Friday, 22 April 2011

Street Photography in Manchester

'Street photography as a genre sits between both documentary and journalist approaches in representing the urban everyday. On this blog we will practically explore a range of ideas and techniques central to the street photographer. In this we will question what the ‘street’ can tell us about the political and social realities of contemporary life. We will explpore how different ways of working can open up an array of visual realms often undetected by conventional ways of walking.'

Taken from the Uclan street photography blog, this paragraph explains the idea behind the ever growing practice of street photography, and what their blog sets out to discuss and illustrates. Link below:

This blog was originally made to host the images that a number of us, who went on a University day trip to Manchester, had taken. However, I have decided to post the images that I took on my own personal blog, as the work closely relates to the my own photography practice.

During this trip to Manchester we were asked to focus upon some photographing methods, such as; shooting from the hip (holding the camera at waist height and simply taking an image when it feels right), and a method for which we had to ask members of the public that if we could take a straight on photograph of them.
Some of the images that I took are only available on my link Flickr account due to the size of the image files. The images are in a set titled, 'Street Photography', linked below: