Sunday, 7 March 2010

Dirty Little Secrets

This is a project I did for a college brief. I think that this is when I really took an interest in photography, it was for a Fine Art project, so I got to adapt this photography to fit the brief.
These pieces of work were actually displayed in the Atkinson Gallery in Southport!

*I want to say another massive thank you to all my models!
Amie Cooper
Thomas Roberts-Goulden

Stu Allardes
Alex Bellemey

Tori Fairley
Douglas Conn
I know some people were a bit weary when I told them they'd be blindfolded!*

^Amie Cooper : 'I stole a magnet from school'^

^Thomas Roberts-Goulden: 'I just don't trust anyone anymore'^

^Stu Allardes: 'I like to KILL bugs for fun'^

^Alex Bellemey: 'I bully others to mask my own self-loathing'^

^Tori Fairley: 'Even though I'm richer than she is, I still take money off my sister'^

^Douglas Conn: 'I just can't say NO'^

I submitted these to an exhibition called 'Letters'. This exhibition was surrounding the idea of communication through words, letters and imagery.
I did this project when All American Rejects released, so around 2005-2006...? (I think!)
So my idea was greatly influenced by that song, Dirty Little Secrets is exactly what my images are portraying and this is why I decided to blindfold my models.

Everyone has secrets that they want to keep private and as the eyes are believed to be the windows to the soul, I decided to take this sense away. The viewer can not see the models aways or any facial expressions, so they can not determine how the model is feeling about the secrets that that are admitting.
I then thought about how to display this work. Seeing as the exhibition was entitled, 'Letters', I attached these printed images to same sized envolopes and placed the cards that the secrets were written on in these envolopes.
This work is now in my portfolio and I think it was a big help with getting into UCLan, I has this in my college portfolio and my tutor has since told me that he was impressed that I had already displayed some work in an exhibition!

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